
About Us


Gnat & Hawk-resized

Having formed in 2012, the Red Arrows Association is now very well-established with a strong and flourishing membership which represents a wide cross-section of the Red Arrows community.  Whilst the majority of our numbers comprise former team pilots, groundcrew and civilian support staff from both the Gnat and Hawk eras, regardless of rank, grade, branch or trade, membership is also open to currently serving RAFAT personnel and staff who are very much welcomed; today’s squadron members play a vital role in the future prosperity of the Association.  

The RAA Committee, chaired by the Officer Commanding RAFAT, coordinates, plans and manages the activities and aims of the Association, which, in simple terms, are to maintain and develop the unique friendships, acquaintances and memories made through service on the Team.  The RAA Committee places the highest priority on being able to hold events and reunions which facilitate the participation of as much of the membership as possible, noting that our members, not all of whom are able to easily travel, are dispersed widely across the length and breadth of the UK and even further afield.

Clearly, 2020 was an incredibly challenging year due to the global COVID pandemic which has, regrettably, precluded the ability to hold any face-to-face events; once current restrictions ease, the Committee will endeavour, as a priority, to resurrect similar events and reunions to those that we have enjoyed in previous years.

In addition to this RAA website, the Association also has a Facebook page; together these offer the primary means of providing information on the Association, updates on forthcoming events and to enable  routine communication with our members.  The RAA Committee contact details may be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page on this website and I would encourage you to get in touch with any of us, if you have any queries or suggestions. The Committee is always open to new ideas and suggestions as to how we can improve your Association, so please do get in touch if you have something to offer.

Mark Northover

Air Commodore
President of the Red Arrows Association

The RAA Website will be undergoing a redesign over the next few weeks.

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