
Committee Meeting Minutes



Air Cdre (Retd.) Dickie Duckett – Vice-President

Wg Cdr Martin Higgins – Chairman

Craig Rouse – Treasurer (by telecom)

Mr Ian Blake – Secretary (by telecom)

Gp Capt (Ret’d) Brian Hoskins – President-Elect

Gp Capt Mark Northover – Vice-President-Elect (by telecom)



AVM (Retd.) Chris Bushell – President – On holiday

Ms Nikki Wright – Publicity – Stuck in traffic

Minutes of Previous Meeting

  1. The Meeting commenced at 1500.
  2. The minutes of the meeting held on 03 March 2016 were read out and accepted by the Committee as a true record of the discussion and actions taken.

Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting

  1. There were no matters arising from the previous meeting.

 Treasurer’s Report

  1. The Treasurer stated there was £56, 707.08 in the account.
  2. There had been circa 160 membership renewals since the last meeting.
  3. The Treasurer also stated that despite several emails to the Solicitor of the late Mr E. O Beverley, he had received no response to the request for information on Mr Beverley’s RAF service career. The Treasurer stated there was no other avenue to get this information and therefore the action should be closed.

          The committee accepted the Treasurers Report and agreed that no further action should be taken regarding the estate of Mr. Beverley.

Secretary’s Report

  1. The Secretary reported that membership numbers were healthy at 239 (this takes into account the recent death of Air Cdre Michael Williams). An increase of 2 since the last reunion. Whilst the forthcoming reunion will undoubtedly result in further applications for membership it has become apparent that we need to do something extra to further increase numbers to ensure the future health of the Association.
  2. The Secretary further reported that Reunion 2016, held at RAF Scampton on 08 May last, had been successful in that 150 people attended, the numbers were boosted by the high proportion of guests – approx. 66%. A note of caution with regards to future events perhaps?
  3. With regards to the outgoing President, AVM (Ret’d) Chris Bushell and Vice-President Air Cdre (Ret’d) Dickie Duckett, the Secretary wishes to place on record his heartfelt thanks and appreciation to both gentlemen for their enthusiastic support and their efforts, largely behind the scenes, without whom the RAA could not have been created.
  4. The Secretary reported that to date he had been unsuccessful in finding a volunteer to take over the responsibilities of Secretary. Consequently, the Secretary stated that subject to the wishes of the Committee, he would remain in post. However, he further stated that he felt it important for the reasons given at the previous Committee Meeting that a successor be found in the near future.
  5. RAA Logo. The proposed RAA Logo agreed at the 2015 meeting is now with the MoD Graphics dept at RAF Northolt. They have agreed to provide a design/polish the current one for free. However, on recent contact with Graphics, the Secretary was informed that while it was on their list of things to do (the logo has been with them for a year), it did not hold a priority and would be done when spare capacity allowed. The Secretary suggests taking it somewhere else (no suggestion where!) but wishes to point out that the silhouettes of the Gnat and Hawk were protected by MoD copyright. This would not necessarily be a problem but is worth noting that any finished design using the silhouettes would require MoD permissions.
  6. RAA Web site. The misunderstanding with the MoD and our infringement of their copyright has been cleared up. The Secretary reminded the Committee of the MoDs concerns over the use of the Red Arrows Crest in our websites Header. The Header is that which is repeated on every page on the site. Whilst we may use the Logos for which we have permission – the Red Arrows Crest, RAF Scampton Crest, Royal Air Force/Red Arrows logo and the Diamond 9 – we may not use them within the web site Header. In this, the RAA would seem to be the victim of the publicity generated by the Red Arrows. The Mod has been looking at us but it seems not at any of the other squadron associations who seem to get away the incorrect use of their Sqn Crests.
  7. The Secretary reported that the amended Constitution was ratified by the membership at the AGM held on 8 May 2016.

Any Other Business

  • Membership Survey – The results of the membership survey were discussed. The decision taken was that the RAA would still explore providing a discount for members on the entry price for one of the enclosures at the RAF Scampton Airshow.

Action:  Chairman, to discuss with the Air Show Organisers the possibility of a discount for members of the RAA.

  • Reunion 2017. The decision was made to continue with the RAF Scampton Airshow plans.
  • The October Beer Call would go ahead on the first Saturday of October.
  • Grow the Membership. The committee felt that the committee membership would benefit from having a Gnat era member. The committee agreed. The Treasurer also stated that both he and the Secretary has canvassed for replacements for their roles during 2016. If a Gnat era member would volunteer to fill one of these roles, they would be welcome.

Action:  President-Elect to explore whether there are any Gnat era members will to join the RAA Committee.

  • The President-Elect asked if the split between the GNAT and Hawk era members was known.

Action:  Secretary to provide the volumes of members from the different eras.

  • The Vice-President-Elect asked how many members of the current team, when they leave, join the RAA?

Action:  Chairman to speak to the SENGO RAFAT.

  • The Treasurer raised the point regarding memorabilia for the association once the branding and logo discussions had completed. The Committee felt the RAA had to improve and increase its presence, to include an improved digital foot print and increase membership.
  • New Members of the RAA Committee. The current President, AVM (Ret’d) Chris Bushell steps down. It is proposed that he be replaced by Gp Capt (Ret’d) Brian Hoskins.

          Carried all committee members in favour.

  • The current Vice-President, Dickie Duckett steps down. It is proposed that he replaced by Gp Capt. Mark Northover.

          Carried all committee members in favour.

  • Publicity Member. The Secretary had previously stated that he required assistance in the running of the Association website, Facebook page and publicity in general. He has approached former Red Arrows PR Manager, Nikki Wright in this matter. Nikki has agreed to help. The Secretary proposed that Nikki Wright be elected to the Committee as Publicity Member.

         Carried all committee members in favour.

  • The Committee wished to record their grateful thanks and appreciation to the departing President and Vice-President for their work in the standing-up of the Association.
  • The Committee welcomed the new members to the RAA Committee.


  1. Due to the uncertainty of scheduling over the next few months, a date for the next meeting was not set.
  2. There being no other business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 1700.

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